Food Preservation Chart
How we save you money

Food Preservation Chart

Food is essential for human survival, but we consider it to be so much more than that. It can be a developmental milestone, such as when a baby graduates from milk to solid food, making the transition from dependent infant to independent child; it can be a comforting reminder of family or of native lands, your grandmother's "arroz con frijoles" and with just one taste you are transported back to your childhood; it can be a pleasant memory such as the steak dinner you had on your first date with your spouse of 30 years. Food not only sustains us, it contributes to the factors that make up our individual and collective existence. In the same way that people preserve rituals and customs of their native cultures, so they preserve food (not only to keep themselves alive but to assure the survival of their origins).

Food preservation is a natural part of the human experience that has permeated every culture throughout history. As an essential skill for survival, people have continuously experimented with a variety of methods for preserving their most valuable food resources. In today's world, modern methods of food preservation have far exceeded methods of the past and have allowed us to significantly extend the life of our food. Despite modern advances, the need to regularly dispose of food that becomes prematurely spoiled or loses its visual appeal, can feel like an inevitable waste of food and money. We at Vacucraft recognize the significant and indispensable role that food plays in our daily lives. For this reason our products are created with a revolutionary technology that makes it easy to preserve your food longer. We also recognize the value of hard work. Our goal is to extend the life of your food so that you can save your money.

With our array of containers, you can preserve anything in your refrigerator or pantry. Your food storing possibilities are endless, and so are your savings!